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Start of the field days season: overview of the June events

Start of the field days season: overview of the June events

Summer is a very active time for holding field days, sharing experiences and looking for new business partners and ideas during interesting events. In June, the BTU-CENTER team plans to visit a number of events that may interest you and where we can meet for a fruitful conversation. So let's see what's waiting for us.



The first stop in the BTU-CENTER field train will be Romania.


AgriPlanta-RomAgroTec (2-5 June 2022) in Fundulea, Romania

The Romania’s most dynamic agricultural field exhibition that become a networking and communication platform between farmers and specialists. More than 400 brands, 200 exhibitors, over 12000 visitors are attended the event due to three main components: field exhibition, trial plots and demonstrations with agriculture machinery. BTU-CENTER team will attend the field exhibition together with our Romanian partner company 

Agrotechnic Solutions

. More information:




All-Slovak Field Day (7-8 June, 2022) in Dolna Krupa, Slovakia

The 11th annual exhibition, which will take place on the land of the company PD Krupá in Dolná Krupa, Trnava district.


It is all-Slovak show and exhibition of varieties, plant protection and nutrition, agricultural technology and livestock. In the program are expert seminar on strip-till technology, plant establishment, fertilization impacts: agrotechnical, economic and environmental. On the beginning is a grand opening with the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic. The company will take part in partnership with the organizers 


 to show the results of using our main registered products for this market – ECOSTERNGROUNDFIX, MYCOHELP and FITOBACT.


More info:





DLG Feldtage (14-16 June 2022) in Mannheim, Germany

The DLG-Feldtage are the unique network and expertise in crop production in one place from Germany and abroad: over 350 exhibitors, around 60 forum programme points. The focus is on a large number of companies from the fields of plant cultivation, plant breeding, crop protection, fertilization, agricultural technology, consulting and services with a diverse range of products and services in the exhibition areas of the trial field, outdoor area, tent hall and during the machine demonstrations. The BTU-CENTER will represent the results of using a number of biological products for potatoes, soybeans, corn, wheat and show them on the demonstrative fields. Our experts in agrochemistry and microbiology are waiting for you for any consultation at the Area V, Stand D24.



At BTU-CENTER's trial plot you will be able to compare the differences in plant development with the classic nutrition system of growing and with reduced recommended mineral fertilizers rates to 20-30% through applying biologicals and estimate the potential yield of each them.



More results of microorganisms in crop production:

  • Mycorrhiza impact on corn root system development – MYCOFRIEND.
  • The qualitative nodulation process of legumes – RIZOLINE.
  • The biodestructor's influence on soil quality, growth and development of spring wheat – ECOSTERN.
  • The effect of biostimulants on potato growing and yield formation - AZOTOHELP & GROUNDFIX with biological adhesive LIPOSAM.

More information:


Farm to Fork Europe Conference


(21-23 June, 2022) in Athens, Greece

The Farm to Fork is a partnership between EBIC and New Ag International inspired by a shared goal: to be catalysts for ever more sustainable agricultural solutions “Plant biostimulants & sustainable AG solutions in a global context- visionary initiatives to drive forward your future strategy”. The event is bringing together a diverse community of thought leaders, sustainability experts, and food chain stakeholders. On behalf of BTU-CENTER, Dmytro Yakovenko, the head of the international department, will participate in one of the panel discussions on geopolitics of food and agriculture. Best BTU-CENTER specialists will provide consultation on the special stand in the exhibition area. More info:




Organic Field Day (28 June, 2022) in Biofarm krivan in Vazec, Slovakia

The field day will be dedicated to organic farming and will be organized in partnership with BTU-CENTER partner from 


. The organizer will introduce you to 32 varieties of cereals (of which 4 spelled wheat) and 9 varieties of potatoes on the fields. The company representatives will be present at the event.



The visitors will see the effectiveness of Groundfix, Micohelp, Metawhite, Fitobact and Ecostern in organic field.

Follow the news, photos and updates about other events on our social networks: Facebook BTU-CENTER
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