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Ukrainian biological preparations were presented for the first time at the Organic Field Days in Germany

Ukrainian biological preparations were presented for the first time at the Organic Field Days in Germany

For the first time, Ukrainian biological were presented at the main organic field event in Europe - Öko-Feldtage. BTU-CENTER, the largest manufacturer and exporter of biological products, presented Ukrainian microbial technologies to European agricultural producers. The event took place on June 14-15, 2023 in Ditzingen, Baden-Württemberg (Germany). The organizer is the world-leading Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL.


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"We talked a lot about microbial products and tried to explain what is the main principle of their work, for example how nitrogen fixation and phosphor-potassium mobilization take place. For us, as a leader in the production of biologicals in Ukraine, it is important to show European farmers how effective microorganisms help to conduct agriculture in an ecological way without the use of chemical pesticides.

I can say that we managed to interest visitors in the development of Ukrainian scientists. During such events, the team feels great inspiration to prove the whole world that Ukrainian products have got really high quality, besides they are innovative and more than ever on time. At the exhibition, we had an opportunity to communicate with other participants who showed their support for our Motherland in this tough period of the struggle for independence,",

 - says Vladyslav Bolokhovskyi, the general director of the BTU-CENTER group of companies.
We would like to pay your attention, that organic field days take place every two years and each time in a different location. By the way the place for this year event was not chosen accidentaly, as Baden-Württemberg wants to increase the share of organic products to 30-40% by 2030, which is currently only 14.5%. We will remind that according to the European Green Course, by 2030 EU agriculture has the ambition to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers by 20%, to reduce the use of pesticides by 50% and to increase the area for organic production so that it is at least 25% of agricultural land. It is a matter of time - when these trends will become relevant in Ukraine at the legislative level.


Summing it up we would like to add, that in 2023, more than 330 companies, mainly from the German-speaking region, shared their technologies. The event was supported by the Ministry of Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection of Baden-Württemberg and its state institutes, the Hohenheim University and the Foundation for Ecology and Agriculture (SÖL)..
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