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Mycofriend and Groundfix confirmed for using in organic agriculture by FiBL

Mycofriend and Groundfix confirmed for using in organic agriculture by FiBL

FiBL, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, has confirmed that two more of BTU-CENTER’s products - mycorrhizal biological Mycofriend and biofertilizer Groundfix - meet the requirements for use in organic farming. It means that Mycofriend and Groundfix, together with already confirmed Azotohelp, Rizoline and Ecostern, may be officially used by organic enterprises according to Demeter International and the EU organic legislation.



Groundfix is a bicrobiological soil fertilizer for PK-mobilization and N-fixation that ensures a more efficient use of mineral fertilizers. Effective factor: a set of spores and living cells of natural phosphorus and potassium mobilizing, nitrogen fixing bacteria. Total number of viable cells in the product – 0.5 x 109 CFU/ml.



Mycofriend is a mycorrhizal biological. It promotes colonization of the root zone and rhizosphere with mycorrhizal fungi and saprophytes, rhizospheric bacteria. Mycofriend increases the absorptive area of the root system through the mycorrhiza development. It contains mycorrhizal fungi Glomus, microorganis,s supporting formation of mycorrhiza and plant rhizosphere, phosphate mobilizing bacteria. Total number of viable cells in the product: 1.0-1.5 x 108 CFU/ml.

We feel inspired to propose to the EU farmer the most efficient and healthy biologicals!” – Vladyslav Bolokhovskyi, BTU-CENTER’s CEO says.

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