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Identification of microorganisms

Identification of microorganisms
Dear Partners!We want to share with you important news about our biological products, the basis of which is microorganisms. For over 25 years, we have been working with these microorganisms, building a collection of several hundred strains and developing more than 60 products that are now used on millions of hectares in Ukraine and in 20 other countries. Each microorganism has its own unique properties, which we use to create our products. Therefore, their correct identification and classification is an integral part of our work. To determine the species of a microorganism, we study its morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics. As a result of the study, a strain passport is compiled, which is the basis for its scientifically substantiated classification according to the international determinant "Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria." Classification of fungi (mycomycetes) also occurs according to scientifically accepted standards.




We deposit all our strains at the D.K. Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IIR NASU), which is a leading state institution in the field of taxonomy of microorganisms. The deposit procedure includes a mandatory expert assessment of the properties of microorganisms for compliance with a particular species, based on passport data and international scientific sources, such as the determinant "Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaeea and Bacteria." Also, strains are examined for non-pathogenicity at the IIR NASU. As a result, the culture of the microorganism is laid for long-term storage for a period of 30 years and a Deposit Certificate and a Non-pathogenicity Report are issued. These documents are necessary for the registration of products, which include each declared strain.



What happens to the standards of identification of microorganisms in the world?




With the rapid development of molecular biology and the spread of sequencing methods that allow deciphering the nucleatide sequence of RNA and DNA, fundamental changes have occurred in the world of systematics. It turned out that externally identical species can genetically have differences. And many species can not be distinguished from each other without the use of molecular genetic methods. Thanks to the methods of molecular biology, a large number of species were discovered that cannot be cultivated in the laboratory and completely reformatted "related trees" for all living organisms. The process of systematization of all living things is still not fully completed - thousands of new species of bacteria and fungi are described every year. According to modern scientists, the total number of unknown to science species of microorganisms in hundreds, if not thousands, times the number identified today. Regularly discover new genera of microorganisms or combine existing ones, "transfer" species from one genus or even family to others, because they establish new, more accurate "family ties." And this is completely normal, because biology is the young science of the future.New names of good old friends


We at BTU decided to get acquainted with our biological agents at the molecular level and sequenced the strains of our microorganisms from qualified geneticists from Ukraine and Europe. After decoding the DNA and RNA sequence, the obtained data are compared with known sequences from large biological databases, according to which a conclusion is made about the generic and species belonging of an object. The use of such identification methods is important not only for their own deeper understanding and quality research, but is also a requirement for the registration of biological products abroad.


Well, it was interesting to learn the new names of good old friends. For example, it turned out that some of our strains of Bacillus subtilis belong to the species Bacillus velezensis, which is also a world-famous endophytic bacterium with powerful antimicrobial and growth-stimulating properties. In addition, it turned out that the phosphorus-mobilizing bacterium Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum is now called Priestia megaterium. The microorganisms themselves, as well as the composition of biologics, remain unchanged. By the way, such "renaming" did not bypass even the leading companies on the market - the active component of the famous fungicide "Serenade" from Bayer, according to modern data, is not Bacillus subtilis QST713, but Bacillus velezensis QST713. 371A4135.jpg


To properly inform our partners, we will begin to indicate the names of species in accordance with modern identification on the new labels of our products, leaving the previous names in brackets. We will also supplement our information materials with new data on the properties of microorganisms. In addition, we plan to conduct detailed scientific studies of the new properties and mechanisms of action of our bioagents, which we previously only guessed. We will certainly keep you informed of our interesting discoveries and new achievements!
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